Our Story: 5411 (fifty-four eleven) empanadas started in 29 when three friends from Argentina wanted to bring a piece of their country to chicago. It started small, very small, but a good product and word-of-mouth grew the business from just deliveries in a shared kitchen to one of the most successful food trucks in the city and a store front on 285 N. Clark st. Our Belief: We believe people should get together more often. Be it at home with the family, at the beach with friends or in the office with coworkers, we all need to share more time face to face. And by offering good and simple products at an affordable price, we think it will happen. Why 5411: Because although these empanadas are made in Chicago, we imported them from Argentina. And if you want to make a call to Buenos Aires (home city of the founders) you will need to dial 54-11.